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  低密度聚乙烯(LDPE) 9400-9850元(周末吨价,下同) 0/0

  市场人气不足,行情大稳小动。周末,一般膜料主流报价在9400-9850元。其中,上海石化Q281为9850元,上涨100元,Q210为9800元,N220为9850元。燕山石化LD100AC为9700元,上涨200元。大庆石化2426H为 9600元,上涨100元。扬巴2426H为9600元。兰州石化2426H为9600元,上涨100元。齐鲁石化TN26为9400元。本周市场气氛略显清淡。由于下游工厂入市热情有限,终端需求难现转机。贸易商信心并不充足,寻求出货为主。不过,原油表现尚可,石化坚挺报价,在一定程度上稳定了市场情绪。总体来看,尽管当前价格尚能维稳,但场内悲观情绪并未完全消散,业内人士担忧后市仍存在回落的风险。预计,若无利好带动,短期的低密度聚乙烯市场可能仍将面临一定压力。


  线型低密度聚乙烯(LLDPE) 9000-9500元 0/0



  高密度聚乙烯(HDPE) 市场气氛平淡,除个别价格走跌外,其他品种基本盘稳。由于缺乏亮点指引,当前市场延续弱势。终端用户入市热情难以提升,行情向好受阻,但在综合成本的支撑下,价格下行空间也有限,贸易商多持观望态度,等待后市进一步明朗的居多。预计,近期的高密度聚乙烯市场可能尚难出现明显改善迹象。

  拉丝料 周末主流报价在9700-9800元。其中,大庆石化5000S为9700元。兰州石化5000S为9750元,上涨100元。扬子石化5000S为9800元。

  注塑料 周末主流报价在9200元。其中,独山子石化DMDA-8008为9200元。抚顺乙烯2911为9200元,走跌50元。

  薄膜料 周末主流报价在9400-10600元。其中,上海赛科HD5301AA为9400元。齐鲁石化6098为10000元,走跌100元。韩国油化F600为10600元。我国台湾塑胶9001为9550元。上海石化MH602为9550元。

  中空料 周末主流报价在10550-11800元。其中,金菲石化5502为10550元。韩国LG 0400为11800元。


  聚丙烯(PP) 行情盘整,幅度有限。周末,均聚拉丝/注塑料主流报价在7000-7600元。其中,上海石化T300为7400元。大连石化T30S为7000元。镇海炼化T30S为7600元,小涨100元。绍兴三圆T30S为7000元,小涨50元。上海赛科S1003为7000元,小涨150元。扬子石化F401为7550元,小涨50元。国产共聚料在7900-11000元。其中,上海石化M180R为7900元,下跌100元。燕山石化K8303为11000元,小涨50元。扬子石化PPB-M02(J340)为8150元,小涨100元,PPB-M02-V (K8003)为8150元,小涨100元。进口共聚料在8900-10450元。其中,韩国现代M1600为9500元,上涨200元。韩国晓星J340为10500元。韩华道达尔HJ730为9900元。埃克森美孚AP03B为8900元,小涨100元。韩国SK B380G为10450元。本周市场部分价格虽有调整,但整体格局变化不大。下游工厂入市热情未有提升,场内交投气氛清淡,来自成交面的阻力依然不容小觑。贸易商心态不稳,观望中随行就市操作为主。不过,部分生产企业报价稳中回调,加上原油和单体双双探涨,对行情形成支撑。预计,近期的聚丙烯市场可能还将以小幅盘整态势为主。


  聚氯乙烯(PVC) 市场交投平淡,行情小幅走跌。周末,乙烯法通用粉料主流报价在6000-6050元,均走跌100元。齐鲁石化S700-1300为6050元,走跌100元。天津大沽SLK-1000为6000元,走跌100元。天津乐金LS-100为6050元,走跌100元。由于目前各方面的表现均难言理想,前期积攒的综合成本支撑力度逐渐被消耗殆尽。而终端需求面长期积弱,下游工厂采购积极性欠佳,成交跟进乏力,继续抑制行情向好。贸易商心态不稳,存在让利出货现象,但幅度有限。氯碱企业方面,基本维持稳定,个别下调出厂价。预计,短期内的聚氯乙烯市场将呈盘整态势。


  聚苯乙烯(PS) 市场氛围沉闷,行情局部下行。周末,通用级(GPPS)主流报价在8750-9500元,部分下行50-300元。其中,江苏莱顿GPS-525为8750元,下行50元。宁波台化GP5250为9300元,下行200元。扬巴158K为9300元,下行300元。广东星辉(原SK汕头)SKG-118为9500元,下行200元。镇江奇美PG-33为9300元。上海赛科123为8750元。高抗冲级(HIPS)主流报价在9000-9800元。其中,盘锦乙烯825为9000元,下行100元。广东星辉(原SK汕头)127为9500元。镇江奇美PH-88为9800元。上海赛科622为9150元,下行250元。本周,虽然国际原油表现尚可,但对行情的带动作用并不明显。除了下游工厂入市热情不足,接货较为犹豫,需求始终无法放量以外。石化企业陆续下调出厂价以及苯乙烯单体起伏不定亦对市场产生一定负面影响。贸易商悲观情绪不减,对后市看法谨慎,低价出货者仍不在少数。预计,近期的聚苯乙烯市场彻底好转的可能性甚微。


  ABS树脂 市场气氛低迷,行情继续回落。周末,国产ABS主流报价在10200-11000元。其中,吉林石化0215A为10200元,回落100元。大庆石化750A为10200元,回落150元。LG甬兴HI-121H为11000元,回落100元。宁波台化AG15A1为10400元,回落100元。镇江奇美D-180为10600元。镇江奇美PA-757K为10800元。进口ABS报价在10700-10800元。其中,我国台湾奇美757为10800元,回落200元。韩国LG HI-121为10700元,回落100元。韩国巴斯夫GP-22为10700元,回落100元。目前市场基本延续前期疲软走势,整体表现令人失望。尤其是下游方面,终端用户除必需采购之外,补仓意愿几无,有效成交提升困难,行情向好阻力明显。此外,石化企业因出货不畅下调出厂价,打压业者心态。贸易商心态欠佳,普遍看空后市,纷纷让利走货以规避风险。预计,短期内的ABS市场可能尚难摆脱弱势局面。


  工程塑料 平稳为主,局部调整。PA6,泰国宇部1013B为18000元;日本帝斯曼1010C2为23400元。PA66,日本旭化成1300S为26500元;德国巴斯夫A3K为27000元。PC,日本帝人K-1300为30500元;日本出光IR2200为19200元。POM,韩国工程F20-02为11100元;泰国三菱F20-03为11100元;南通宝泰菱M90-04为14400元。PMMA,我国台湾奇美CM205为15800元;韩国LG IF850为15400元,下跌100元。


This week, Yuyao China Plastic City plastics raw materials market atmosphere is light, market consolidation is the main. Soft glue Market stop falling and shocks, local small rise, hard glue weakness difficult to swing, price decline difficult to stop. Driven by the rise in crude oil, coupled with the slowdown of production enterprises, intra-market fear has eased, and some prices show signs of rising. However, the downstream performance is not strong enough. In addition to maintaining just needed purchases, there is little demand for stocking and weak demand. Traders are confused, lack of confidence in the future, and follow the market operation. It is expected that it will be difficult for the market to change significantly in the near future.
Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) 9400-9850 yuan (weekend price, the same below) 0/0
Market sentiment is insufficient, the market is stable and small. Over the weekend, the mainstream quotation for general membrane materials is between 9400 and 9850 yuan. Among them, Shanghai Petrochemical Q281 was 9850 yuan, up 100 yuan, Q210 was 9800 yuan and N220 was 9850 yuan. Yanshan Petrochemical LD100AC was 9700 yuan, up 200 yuan. Daqing Petrochemical 2426H was 9600 yuan, up 100 yuan. Yangba 2426H is 9600 yuan. Lanzhou Petrochemical 2426H was 9600 yuan, up 100 yuan. Qilu Petrochemical TN26 is 9400 yuan. The mood in the market this week was slightly bleak. Due to the limited enthusiasm of downstream factories to enter the market, terminal demand is difficult to turn around. Traders are not confident enough to seek delivery. However, the performance of crude oil is still acceptable. Petrochemical's firm offer has stabilized market sentiment to a certain extent. Overall, although the current price is still stable, but the market pessimism has not completely dissipated, the industry is concerned that there is still a downside risk in the future. It is expected that the short-term LDPE market will still face some pressure if it is not propelled by the market.
Outside market: Asian market prices fell. The latest mainstream offers were $1139-1141 per ton (CFR China) and $1159-1161 per ton (CFR Southeast Asia), both falling by $10 per ton. On Thursday (May 19), the price of ethylene monomer fell by $10 to $1139 to $1141 per ton (CFR Southeast Asia) at $1179 to $1181 per ton (CFR Northeast Asia), slightly by $5 per ton.
Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) 9000-9500 yuan 0/0
The market trend has stabilized and prices have not changed much. Over the weekend, the mainstream offer is between 9000 and 9500 yuan. Among them, Lanzhou Petrochemical 7042N is 9100 yuan. Daqing Petrochemical 7042 is 9000 yuan. Jilin Petrochemical 7042 is 9000 yuan. Yangtze Petrochemical 7042 was 9100 yuan, down 100 yuan, YLF1802 was 9300 yuan. Shanghai SECCO LL0220KJ is 9200 yuan. Saudi Arabia's 218W is 9500 yuan. Current market mainstream pattern changes are limited, the market has not shown obvious waves. Although downstream factories can maintain normal purchasing, but overall demand is still depressed. Therefore, although crude oil and unit performance is still acceptable, Petrochemical quotations remain firm, but the market is limited. Traders have a confused mentality and generally follow the market in a wait-and-see manner. It is expected that the market of linear low density polyethylene will continue its weak consolidation.
External quotation: Asian market prices fell. The latest mainstream offer was $119-1121 per ton (CFR China), down by $20 per ton, and $1129-1131 per ton (CFR Southeast Asia), down by $30 per ton.
High density polyethylene (HDPE) market atmosphere is flat, in addition to individual price declines, other varieties are basically stable. Due to the lack of bright spot guidance, the current market continues to be weak. End users'enthusiasm for entering the market is difficult to improve, and the market is blocked. However, with the support of comprehensive cost, there is limited downward space for prices. Traders mostly hold a wait-and-see attitude, waiting for the future market to become clearer. It is expected that the recent HDPE market may not show any significant improvement.
The mainstream quotation for wire drawing materials at the weekend is between 9700 and 9800 yuan. Among them, Daqing Petrochemical 5000S is 9700 yuan. Lanzhou Petrochemical 5000S is 9750 yuan, up 100 yuan. Yangzi Petrochemical 5000S is 9800 yuan.
The mainstream quotation for plastic injection weekend is 9200 yuan. Among them, DMDA-8008 of Dushanzi Petrochemical Company is 9200 yuan. Fushun ethylene 2911 was 9200 yuan, down 50 yuan.
Film material weekend mainstream offer in 9400-10600 yuan. Among them, Shanghai Secco HD5301AA is 9400 yuan. Qilu Petrochemical 6098 is 10,000 yuan, down 100 yuan. Korea Oil F600 is 10,600 yuan. Taiwanese plastic 9001 is 9550 yuan in China. Shanghai Petrochemical MH602 is 9550 yuan.
Hollow Material Weekend Mainstream Quotation at 10550-11800 yuan. Among them, Jinfei Petrochemical 5502 is 10550 yuan. Korea LG 0400 is 11800 yuan.
External quotations: Prices generally fell in Asian markets. Mainstream quotations: wire drawing materials in 1164-1166 US dollars/ton (CFR China), 1184-1186 US dollars/ton (CFR Southeast Asia), all fell by 20 US dollars/ton; plastic injection in 1119-1121 US dollars/ton (CFR China), 1139-1141 US dollars/ton (CFR Southeast Asia), all fell by 40 US dollars/ton; film materials in 1129-1131 US dollars/ton (CFR China), 1149-1151 US dollars/ton (CFR Southeast Asia), all slightly decreased by 5 US dollars/ton; blow plastics in 1199-1201 US dollars/ton./ Tons (CFR China), 1219-1221 US dollars per ton (CFR Southeast Asia), fell by 10 US dollars per ton.
Polypropylene (PP) market consolidation, limited range. Over the weekend, the mainstream price of Homopoly Wire Drawing/Injection Plastics is 7000-7600 yuan. Among them, Shanghai Petrochemical T300 is 7400 yuan. The T30S of Dalian Petrochemical Company is 7000 yuan. The T30S of Zhenhai Refinery and Chemical Company is 7600 yuan, a small increase of 100 yuan. Shaoxing Sanyuan T30S is 7000 yuan, a small increase of 50 yuan. Shanghai Secco S1003 was 7000 yuan, up 150 yuan. Yangzi Petrochemical F401 is 7550 yuan, up 50 yuan. The domestic copolymer is 7900-11000 yuan. Among them, Shanghai Petrochemical M180R was 7900 yuan, down 100 yuan. Yanshan Petrochemical K8303 is 11,000 yuan, a small increase of 50 yuan. Yangtze Petrochemical PPB-M02 (J340) is 8150 yuan, a small increase of 100 yuan, PPB-M02-V (K8003) is 8150 yuan, a small increase of 100 yuan. The imported copolymer is 8900-10450 yuan. Among them, Hyundai M1600 rose 200 yuan to 9500 yuan.